Get Involved

We are looking for individuals and community organizations interested in joining a CAB. CAB members will be compensated. Please fill out the form below to express your interest and for more information. Or, you can access the form here.

Ideal CAB members will:

  • Be able to attend and actively participate in 2-3 meetings per year

  • Reside in New Orleans East, the Lower Ninth Ward, Scotlandville, or South Baton Rouge

  • Have a deep care for their community and a passion for improving local social and environmental conditions

  • Possess strong communication and collaboration skills

  • Be willing to engage in dialogue with industry representatives, community members, and other stakeholders

  • Be willing to listen to different perspectives and ideas

Questions? Email with questions for the New Orleans East and Lower Ninth Ward CAB. Email with questions for the Scotlandville and South Baton Rouge CAB.